Launch Aira Catenary


Floating light with Aira Pendant

15 April 2020

With its trans­par­ent, almost unem­bod­ied-look­ing hous­ing, the Aira pole-top lumi­naire blends har­mo­niously into urban envi­ron­ments. Selux has made the light of the Aira quite lit­er­ally float — as a pen­dant lumi­naire for pole-top fit­tings or sus­pended on an arm, its appear­ance is defined by the Tritec optic.

As a pen­dant lumi­naire, Aira also gen­er­ates a pre­dictable down­light por­tion, allow­ing sophis­ti­cated light­ing tasks to be solved on roads or squares, as well as in narrow lanes or under over­hangs. With all mount­ing vari­ants, lumi­naire opti­cal enclo­sures are avail­able in var­i­ous shapes — from trans­par­ent, min­i­mal­ist cylin­ders and spheres as stan­dard, to ver­sions in tinted, lac­quered, or struc­tured plas­tic, or even spe­cial sizes and shapes that are reimag­ined ver­sions of his­tor­i­cal models.

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